Advancing Wellbeing
for People, Places & Planet
“We are seeking to pick up the lost stitch, envisioning an unfolding into beauty. A sisterhood and brotherhood of humanity with animal, animal with plant, plant with soil, soil with rock, and rock with Earth the Great Mother, upholding us all.”
Advancing Wellbeing…
A journey towards a healthy, regenerative, peaceful and sustainable co-existence.
…For People, Places & Planet
We are all of nature’s web of life, not separate from it, and as such depend upon flourishing natural ecosystems.
How We Engage
Since 2001, we have engaged with over 100 social purpose initiatives. The nature of our engagement varies considerably from limited support to a deep level of committed action towards a shared vision.
Our offerings can include financial resources (favouring unrestricted funding), our personal participation and the harvesting of resources from our networks. All with the intention of realizing our commonly held objectives.